First Quarter 2006 Financial Results

Regarding our announcement of the 7/6/2006, concerning the financial statements of the 1st quarter 2006, we would like to inform investors that, the significant increase on parent company's and group's revenues had also a positive influence on profit after taxes. Specifically IASO's profit after taxes amounted to euro 4,4 mil. presenting an increase of 23% related to the figures of the parallel period. Group's profit after taxes reached 3,4 mil. euros presenting an increase of 76%. An increase of 34% on the profit after taxes presented the subsidiary company Iaso General, while the contribution of the stem cell bank operation, increased significantly the profits after taxes of the subsidiary company Medstem S.A., by 716% (loss 18,6 thsd euros to profit after taxes 114,4 thsd euros).


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