New composition of board of directors

KERANIS HOLDINGS S.A. informs the investing public that its Board of Directors, during its session on 21.10.2005, approved the appointment of Mr.Nikolaos Iakovidis as an Executive Member of the BoD in place of the resigned member Mr.Euripidis Demetriadis. Consequently, the new BoD of KERANIS HOLDINGS S.A. is comprised of the following Members:

1. Petros Michailidis, Chairman
2. Nikolaos Iakovidis, Chief Executive Officer
3. Konstantina Paliou, Vice-Chairman
4. Frideriki Patsioura, Non-Executive Member
5. Pericles Talantopoulos, Non-Executive Member
6. Panayotis Tsikoudis, Independent, Non-Executive Member
7. Konstantinos Christoforidis, Independent, Non-Executive Member


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