New composition of the Board of Directors

In accordance with the decision 5/204/14.11.2000 of the Capital Market Commission (article 4 par. 1), we inform you about the new members of the Company's Board of Directors (by the Ordinary General Assembly of the shareholders of the Company,dated May 4th,2006).
The election of the new members of the Company's Board of Directors having a five years term and the determination of the independent members of the BoD has been approved. The new BoD will be consisted as follows:
1. Socratis KOKKALIS son of Petros,
2. Constantinos ANTONOPOULOS son of Georgios,
3. Andreas PAPOULIAS son of Vassilios,
4. Fotios MAVROUDIS son of Thrasyvoulos,
5. Dimitrios KLONIS son of Christos,
6. Dimitrios HATZIGRIGORIADIS son of Constantinos,
7. Anastastios TSOUFIS son of Miltiadis,
8. Petros KOKKALIS son of Socratis, and
9. Fivos HATZIS son of Christos.
Independent members of the Board of Directors were elected Messrs:
1. Dimitrios HATZIGRIGORIADIS son of Constantinos, and
2. Anastastios TSOUFIS son of Miltiadis

The Board of Directors during its session dated May 4th, 2006 decided on its composition and on the appointment of its executive and non-executive members, as follows:
1. Socratis KOKKALIS son of Petros, executive member,
2. Constantinos ANTONOPOULOS son of Georgios, executive member,
3. Andreas PAPOULIAS son of Vassilios, executive member,
4. Fotios MAVROUDIS son of Thrasyvoulos, executive member,
5. Dimitrios KLONIS son of Christos, non- executive member,
6. Dimitrios HATZIGRIGORIADIS son of Constantinos, non-executive member,
7. Anastastios TSOUFIS son of Miltiadis, non-executive member
8. Petros KOKKALIS son of Socratis, non-executive member, and
9. Fivos HATZIS son of Christos, non-executive member


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