Notification of article 17 of the decision of the Capital Markets Commission 2/258/5.12.2002 (Government Gazette B 19/16.01.2003, Public Offer for the Acquisition of Transferable Securities)

Pursuant to article 17 of the decision of the Capital Markets Commission 2/258/5.12.2002 (Government Gazette B 19/16.01.2003), Novator Equities Ltd would like to inform the Capital Markets Commission and the ATHEX that on 21 October 2005 acquired 21,550 shares with voting rights representing 0.128% in the share capital of the company named Hellenic Telecommunications and Telematics Applications Company FORTHnet S.A. (?FORTHnet?) for the amount of euro 178,487.9. As a result of this acquisition Novator Equities Ltd now holds totally 3,693,624 shares with voting rights representing 21.918% of the share capital of FORTHnet.

For any information or clarification in connection with the present notification, please contact Elena Tsohou or Spyridoula Megalokonomou (Norton Rose, 5 Hatzigianni Mexi Street, 115 28, Athens) tel: +30 210 7266500, fax: +30 210 7248775.


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